Posts in Residency
Cove Park

I arrived at Cove Park on Monday afternoon to begin my residency feeling a little off balance. Last week my digital camera  broke and I had planned to bring my big old DSLR instead. However, the evening before I left, my brand new laptop also died. It meant that with no laptop and only an ancient camera, I would have no way of editing and working with images. I was gutted, and was forced to rethink my plans.

I have been taking this as a sign to slow down. To step back, work more simply and go back to basics. The setting in the beautiful landscape of Cove demands it. I am tuning in to a different rhythm, shaped by the changing weather and shifting light across the hills.


I have been reconnecting with drawing for my first few days. There is something meditative in the act of putting pencil to paper that allows ideas to emerge through process. I am reminded that simplicity and repetition are cornerstones of my work. Clean lines, meticulous attention to detail, balanced with subtle shifts of tone and simplicity of form.

I will be spending the month of June here developing my work. I am keeping outcomes open at this stage, but am excited about the process.
